Meeting with song masters, church choir directors, choreographer-choreologists of Choir master’s schools from different regions, specialists of oral folklore, fine and applied arts was held at the State Folklore Centre today. They should provide successful implementation of the project, realized by the State Folklore Centre in Georgia’s regions.
At choir master’s school the students will be taught ancient Georgian folk songs, traditional chants and all branches of Georgian folklore free of charge according to the program prepared by the State Folklore Centre. Upon finishing the school best students will have opportunity to continue studies at Giorgi Mtatsmindeli High School in Tbilisi.
On the initiative of the Prime-Miniater of Georgia, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and under the aegis of the State Folklore Centre, branches of the Centre and choir master’s schools will open in all regional municipal centers and self-governing cities of Georgia, they will contribute to safeguarding and popularization of unique Georgian song and chant, Georgian dance, oral folklore, fine and applied arts.
Regional and District government officials will support the centre in the realization of the project the Centre.