On 9 March in Artos Baghi Anzor Erkomaishvili – Head of the International Centre for Georgian Folk Song and Giorgi Donadze – Executive Director of the State Folklore Centre, specialists of the Centre and choir masters of the Choir Master’s Schools recently-opened by the Centre in different regions of Georgia attended a meeting in Artos Baghi.
The meeting aimed to support the Choir Master’s Schools, intensify collaboration between the State Folklore Centre and International Centre for Georgian Folk Song, preserve and support the development of folklore in Georgia’s various regions.
For this purpose a Memorandum was formalized between the State Folklore Centre and the International Centre for Georgian Folk Song, as part of the Memorandum, on the first stage Anzor Erkomaishvili will deliver transcriptions and monographs of Georgian choir masters to the Choir Master’s Schools in Guria and Samegrelo.
“It is very important to preserve Georgian folk song and traditional chant in the regions. For this purpose we have initiated a unique project, which implies opening choir master’s schools in all regions of Georgia. The Centre strives to improve choir masters’ professional skills; such support is necessary to encourage them. The International Centre for Georgian Folk Song constantly supplies us with unique publications and educational audio disks, which we distribute among the schools” – Giorgi Donadze mentioned.
“Thanks to the State Folklore Centre anyone willing can study ancient Georgian folk songs and traditional chant free of charge. Upon graduation successful students will continue studies at Giorgi Mtatsmindeli High School for Chant in Tbilisi. They will return accomplished professionals to their native regions and deliver their knowledge to young generation. The International Centre for Georgian Folk Song has published transcriptions of Georgian folk songs and monographs of Georgian choir masters, CDs of folk songs, in which each voice part is recorded separately in order to facilitate the teaching process. Our Centre is ready to distribute these recordings among the schools as gifts”- Anzor Erkomaishvili noted.