On 20 January choir master’s school opened in Qvareli, here the students will be taught all branches of Georgian folklore free of charge according to the program prepared by the State Folklore Centre. Upon finishing the school best students will have opportunity to continue studies at Giorgi Mtatsmindeli High School in Tbilisi.
Among the guests of the event were: Giorgi Donadze - Executive Director of the State Folklore Centre; Anzor Erkomaishvili – Head of the Supervisory Council of the State Folklore Centre and Director of ensemble Rustavi; Pridon Sulaberidze – chief choreographer of ensemble Rustavi; Jemal Chkuaseli – Director of ensemble Erisioni; the Centre’s specialists and figures of culture, Jemal Shaverdashvili – chairman of Qvareli City Assembly and other local government officials.
Folk ensemble “Kheuro” performed Georgian folk songs at the concert accompanying the event.
The project is realized on the initiative of the Prime-Minister of Georgia, with the support of the Georgian Ministry of Culture and under the aegis of the State Folklore Centre, the project foresees opening of the State Folklore Centre’s branches and Choir Master’s Schools in all regional municipal centers throughout Georgia. The project aims to support preservation and popularization of unique Georgian folk song.